Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Just wanted to share this sweet picture.

All you 'Friends' watchers should get a kick out of this... Check out Tyler's 'Chandler' smile. He does it all the time - We can't get him to stop!! :)

Summer time fun

In the few weeks that it has been warm enough to use the pool, Tyler has come a long way. He was always pretty scared to go under water or to jump in, but after playing with some of my neighbors grandson's and Maddie, he will jump in, go under, and have all sorts of fun. Both of the boys are starting swim lessons June 4 - will let know how it goes!

And, I need to get better at taking pictures. We had a little get together yesterday for Memorial Day and I did not take one single picture. How sad is that?

Friday, May 25, 2007

Fun things the boys are doing

I have to tell a few of the cute things Tyler has said lately:

While looking at a book we saw a praying mantis... 'Look mommy, there is a mantis, it is also called a walking stick, and it also pray's'

He calls Chuck E. Cheeses... Chuck E. Jesus

No trophy's around here... they are called 'tropheets'

Tyler's version of patty cake: "Patty cake, patty cake, Make a little man..."

Tyler's new thing is to ask tons of questions about everything... he usually words it the same way... 'Mommy, can you tell me about drive?', 'Mommy, can you tell me about weather?' , 'Mommy, can you tell me about a snail?' ... which brings me to a story about a snail. Ick!

I really, really try to let a boy be a boy. I let him play in the dirt, pick up bugs, squish them, whatever. The other day in the back yard we found a snail out of it's shell thingy. Tyler see's it and wants to pick it up... I said go ahead but never thought he would actually want to pick it up after touching it and feeling how slimy it was... well, I was wrong. He not only picked it up but let it slime around his hand for a few minutes (I know - way disgusting). Here is a pic of Tyler's pet snail that we had to put in a bug habitat and bring in the house just to discover the next moring that it was gone. I hope it shriveled up and that I don't have a snail somewhere around the house. Gave me the hebbe-jebbies! Needless to say, we had a good hand scrubbing and bath after that!


Colby took his first steps - on his own - on May 3, 2007!!! He had been walking for a little while before that but he had to have at least one of mommy's or daddy's fingers to hold onto. He just had to build his confidence first. In these past 3 weeks he has definitley mastered the art of walking... he can, and will, go just about anywhere he wants! He even knows how to climb the stairs. Imagine my surprise when I came in the house and found both Colby and Tyler upstairs. Yikes! I make sure I keep the stair gate closed at all times now!!

He loves to take baths and do whatever big bro is doing... and he loves to steal Tyler's leftover juice boxes that are accidentally left out!! This was Colby's first time to ever taste juice and the funny thing - I couldn't pry it away from him. I think he liked it!!!

He puts everything and anything in his mouth. I think two of his favorite things to eat are mulch and rollie-pollie bugs (we called them doodle bugs growing up). We are outside so much, I at least pull about 3 a day out of his mouth... who knows how many get past without me seeing!

Soccer and Spiderman

Soccer and Spiderman are two of Tyler's favorite topics. Everytime he sees a little spider he screams for me to come see and then he tells me 'that spider is Spiderman' in his spiderman voice. He has also told me a few times that he wishes he had a Spiderman room. Where that came from I have no idea - he has never even seen a Spiderman movie. Anyway, we got a spiderman beach towel in the mail recently (from Kraft foods... it was only $1.99 + the price of cheese!!!) and Tyler carried it around with him for a few days. Now, the Spidey towel comfortably rests on his bed and he thinks he has a spiderman room!!

Tyler started soccer a few weeks back and has a great time playing with the other kids. He is not so much interested in the soccer ball, but really, really likes to run up and down the field following all the kids. Tyler did kick the ball in the last game but most of the time he hangs back in the pack and lets the other kids get the ball. Check him out in his cool uniform!

My New Blog

I thought I would create a blog not only to let friends and family see fun pictures of my 2 cutie pies but I also wanted to create something that would help me keep track of events/funny things that the boys are doing and saying. I am so not into scrapbooking so I guess I will use this blog as a 'digital' scrapbook!

Colby loves to play with older brothers toys so much that he decided to crawl into the toy cabinet. In fact, pretty much anything Tyler has out and is playing with Colby comes along and wants to play right along side of him.

Here is Tyler with his little green bug that he made for me. His school had a Muffins with Mom event just before Mother's Day... They sang a special little song for us and then we ate breakfast with them in class. So sweet!