Monday, August 20, 2007

Colby Fun Facts

We have not had anymore big things happen, such as falling out of cribs/opening doors, but he has added a few more words to his vocabulary. He pretty much calls all food 'nana' except the other day he added another food word - 'cracker' ... It sounds more like 'caca' but you definitely know he's talking about a cracker.

-For milk he uses the last syllable and calls it 'kul'

-When he wants something (toy, food, etc...) really bad he says 'nanananana' over and over - soo cute!!!

-We have been pointing out body parts to him lately and when you ask 'where is your nose?' he points to his nose! He will also point to his ears and eyes when asked (well, some of the time).

-He has started using a little bit of sign language (works like more, please)

-He shakes his head really big (like he is saying NO) when he is done eating or when he does not want something.

- My favorite of all... even if Colby is in another room, as soon as he hears the stair gate open he comes running in to the living room as fast as his little legs will take him to climb up the stairs. He gets this huge grin on his face and starts laughing and giggling. So cute to watch!

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