Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Lucky October??

Earlier in the month at National Night Out, I won a $20 gift card to Walmart (given away by our HOA). Then... this past Saturday I took the boys to Old Navy because they needed some long sleeve shirts... I wanted to get in the store early before the crowd came so we got to the store just before 9:30. I walk in and an employee hands me a little Halloween bag and a covered card and said 'open up the card to see if you won'... Well, I won a $50 gift card to Old Navy! How about that?! The funny thing is I had no idea that they were having an event called 'freaky fun day' (or something like that)and the first 100 poeple in the store had a chance to win. I can't believe I was one of the first 100 people in the store and that I actually won!

OK... I'm off to buy some lottery tickets!!! Ha!!

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